
Fundraising ($6,795 raised)

Support AABC Foundation!

Raised: $6,795
Contributors: 113

Top groups:

  • 1.
    #wisewomen 6 racers × $199.75 avg = $1,198.49
  • 2.
    #cabc 7 racers × $148.36 avg = $1,038.49
  • 3.
    #research 4 racers × $231.77 avg = $927.09
  • see more...

Top fundraisers:

Top contributors:

  • 1.
    Kitty Ernst $1,000
  • 2.
    Anonymous $500
  • 3.
    Anonymous $500
  • see more...

Latest contributions:

  • For all racers May 20, 2020
    $500 from Anonymous
    Our anonymous donor is matching another anonymous donor's donation to back everyone!
    Thank you anonymous donor!
  • For all racers May 20, 2020
    $500 from Anonymous
    I want to personally thank all our donors, your contributions make a difference to women and their families supported by our Foundation programs!
    Thank you!
  • For all racers May 19, 2020
    $100 from Anonymous
    Our anonymous donor is matching Susan's donation to back everyone!
  • SpeedyD May 19, 2020
    $100 from Anonymous
    Our anonymous donor is matching your anonymous donor's donation to back you!
  • For all racers May 19, 2020
    $20 from Anonymous
    Our anonymous donor is matching Carol's donation to back everyone!
  • For all racers May 19, 2020
    $100 from AABCF Yount
    To all the wonderful participants and the Foundation
    Thank you!
  • SpeedyD May 19, 2020
    $100 from Anonymous
  • For all racers May 19, 2020
    $20 from Carol Snapp
    you are awesome
    Thanks, Carol!
  • For all racers May 19, 2020
    $100 from Anonymous
    Our anonymous donor is matching Jill's donation to back everyone!
  • For all racers May 19, 2020
    $100 from Jill Alliman
    To all the AABC, CABC and AABCF marathoners--We are in it for the distance!!
    Thank you Jill for supporting AABC Foundation and all the work you do!
    Thank you Jill for all you do
    Thank you, Jill, for all of your incredible work and support.
    Thank you, Jill! I love being on your team.
  • MidwifeTCoffee May 19, 2020
    $25 from Anonymous
    Our anonymous donor is matching Kate's donation to back you!
    Magnifying my impact to support birth centers! Thank you, anonymous donor.
  • MidwifeTCoffee May 18, 2020
    $25 from Kate Bauer
    Thanks for cheering us all on!
    @kebauer66 Thank you, Kate! Such a team effort.
  • JKA May 18, 2020
    $50 from Anonymous
    Our anonymous donor is matching Kathryn's donation to back you!
  • AnnG May 18, 2020
    $10 from Anonymous
    Our anonymous donor is matching Moira's donation to back you!
  • JKA May 18, 2020
    $50 from KATHRYN SCHRAG
    in honor of a long distance AABC runner, worker, go girl!
    Thank you Kathryn, Right back at you!!
  • AnnG May 18, 2020
    $10 from Moira Tannenbaum
    Thanks Ann Geisler and AABCF Board for the great virtual classes last week!
    Moira, you are such an inspiration! Thank you for participating too!
    @AnnG It's been great! I love this new tradition.
  • MidwifeForLife May 12, 2020
    $25 from Anonymous
    To thank you for doing this (I'm going around the course a second time) and to support the cause. Also going super slow this time so I can stop and "see" San Diego.
  • WhitneyAmaris May 11, 2020
    $10 from Susan Stapleton
  • Rooooosie May 11, 2020
    $10 from Susan Stapleton
  • PaulaPB May 11, 2020
    $10 from Susan Stapleton
  • PKB May 11, 2020
    $10 from Susan Stapleton
  • LynnK May 11, 2020
    $10 from Susan Stapleton
  • KittyErnst May 11, 2020
    $50 from Susan Stapleton
  • kebauer66 May 11, 2020
    $10 from Susan Stapleton
  • JenStapleton May 11, 2020
    $100 from Susan Stapleton
    Thanks for your support!
  • JackieW May 11, 2020
    $10 from Susan Stapleton
  • Gazmidwife May 11, 2020
    $10 from Susan Stapleton
  • SpeedyD May 11, 2020
    $50 from Susan Stapleton
  • FlynnCNM May 11, 2020
    $10 from Susan Stapleton
  • jayhawkbabies May 11, 2020
    $10 from Susan Stapleton
  • Abbie May 11, 2020
    $10 from Susan Stapleton
  • KittyErnst May 7, 2020
    $25 from Christine Haas
    Thank you Kitty, for continuing to inspire all of us!
  • For all racers May 4, 2020
    $1,000 from Kitty Ernst
    Together we are awesome!
    WOW together we are strong and powerful
    Thank you Miss Kitty!
    @KittyErnst Thank you so much!
    Thank you so much @KittyErnst !
  • SpeedyD Apr 30, 2020
    $35 from Jill Alliman
    Congrats on your NLN Research Fellowship!!
  • KittyErnst Apr 26, 2020
    $100 from Peter Alliman
    You go girl
  • SpeedyD Apr 25, 2020
    $50 from Kalena Lanuza
    Go Speedy💙
  • TheMidwifePlan Apr 25, 2020
    $100 from Mason Hinkle
  • SpeedyD Apr 25, 2020
    $100 from Diana Jolles
  • PaulaPB Apr 21, 2020
    $10 from AABCF Yount
    For us Arizonians
  • viatrix Apr 21, 2020
    $10 from AABCF Yount
    to support a nice person
  • SusanME Apr 21, 2020
    $10 from AABCF Yount
    Back at ya
  • jayhawkbabies Apr 21, 2020
    $10 from AABCF Yount
    For just being the kind person you are..
  • Gazmidwife Apr 21, 2020
    $50 from Carol Sudtelgte
  • Gazmidwife Apr 21, 2020
    $50 from Debra Alessandro
    Go gazelle!
  • Gazmidwife Apr 21, 2020
    $25 from Robyn Davis
  • KittyErnst Apr 21, 2020
    $40 from Dawn Thompson
    You are my hero.
  • Gma26 Apr 20, 2020
    $10 from Susan Stapleton
    Thank you so much Susan. Been preoccupied mentally and physically with move but trying to participate.
  • KarenCNM Apr 18, 2020
    $10 from Karen Perdion
  • JKA Apr 18, 2020
    $75 from Jill Alliman
  • KittyErnst Apr 18, 2020
    $25 from Rita Ledbetter
  • KittyErnst Apr 17, 2020
    $100 from Ann Geisler
    Go Kitty! What an inspriration!
  • KittyErnst Apr 17, 2020
    $50 from Joan Moon
    Way to go Kitty...
  • KittyErnst Apr 17, 2020
    $25 from Kate Bauer
  • KittyErnst Apr 17, 2020
    $100 from Stephanie Bender
    Here's to inspiration!! Ride on!! :) I was just thinking about getting my bike out, so perhaps I'll join you across the miles. :)
  • Gazmidwife Apr 15, 2020
    $25 from Cypress La Salle
  • LindaB_Admin Apr 14, 2020
    $10 from Moira Tannenbaum
    Thank you for keeping this race together, Linda, and for your dedication to AABC and AABCF.
    @MidwifeTCoffee Wheee! Thanks Moira! :}
  • Gazmidwife Apr 14, 2020
    $100 from Anonymous
    Love you sis, keep up the walking!
    @Gazmidwife You're an All-Star, Gazelle!
  • GreenRaven Apr 13, 2020
    $10 from Abby Grantham
  • Magda Apr 13, 2020
    $20 from Madeline Tilley
  • Seti Apr 13, 2020
    $100 from Elaine Wakeland
    @Seti You're an All-Star, Elaine!
  • Gazmidwife Apr 12, 2020
    $25 from Leigh Hooten
  • Gazmidwife Apr 12, 2020
    $15 from Heather Cates
  • PaulaPB Apr 12, 2020
    $10 from Paula Pelletier-Butler
  • Annebitious Apr 11, 2020
    $25 from Anne Brookhyser
  • Mamamayaaz Apr 10, 2020
    $25 from Maya Radoccia-Kennen
  • SusanME Apr 8, 2020
    $10 from Cynthia Flynn
    I can only imagine how busy you’ve been! Now it’s time to put on your own oxygen mask and do this race ❤️
  • For all racers Apr 6, 2020
    $30 from Michele DeAngelo
    @Michele DeAngelo: thank you!
  • MidwifeJana Apr 5, 2020
    $75 from Josiah Anderson
    Way to go, Jana!
    @MidwifeJana You're a Super All-Star, Jana!
  • MidwifeJana Apr 4, 2020
    $100 from Sandra Anderson
    Cheering for you...and all midwives
  • AuntB Apr 1, 2020
    $10 from Moira Tannenbaum
    For my wonderful former midwifery practice partner!
  • jayhawkbabies Apr 1, 2020
    $100 from Cathy Gordon
    @jayhawkbabies You're an All-Star, Cathy! Thank you!
    you're the best@LindaB
  • viatrix Mar 31, 2020
    $25 from Melody Hannegan
  • see more...

Athletes (61)

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's Log

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*Only groups with more than 1 member will show up on the 'All groups' leaderboard.

Group Mileage Log:

    Recent Activity

    This race ended 05/20/20 - check out the final activity below.

    OR start a new challenge here!

    Filtered for #. Back to unfiltered.

    • kebauer66 May 20, 2020
      3.1 miles
      6600.0 steps of steps = 3.1 miles
       #29 fundraiser.  9th Longest personal exercise of this race this month.
    • MidwifeJana May 20, 2020
      2.7 miles
      2.7 miles of running/Walking = 2.7 miles
       #4 fundraiser.  8th Longest personal exercise.
    • KarenCNM May 20, 2020
      2.0 miles
      2.0 miles of running/Walking = 2.0 miles
    • AnnG May 20, 2020
      2.2 miles
      4606.0 steps of steps = 2.2 miles
       #22 fundraiser.  9th Longest personal exercise of this race this month.
      You are AMAZING birth centers a blessed to have your support professionally and personally
    • AnnM May 20, 2020
      4.0 miles
      4.0 miles of running/Walking = 4.0 miles
       #61 fundraiser.  5th Longest personal exercise.
    • JKA May 20, 2020
      2.0 miles
      2.0 miles of running/Walking = 2.0 miles
    • KarenCNM May 20, 2020
      1.2 miles
      1.2 miles of running/Walking = 1.2 miles
    • KarenCNM May 20, 2020
      0.5 miles
      0.5 miles of running/Walking = 0.5 miles
    • KarenCNM May 20, 2020
      0.2 miles
      0.2 miles of running/Walking = 0.2 miles
       #33 fundraiser.  10th Longest personal exercise of this race this month.
    • KarenCNM May 20, 2020
      0.3 miles
      0.3 miles of running/Walking = 0.3 miles
    • CindyBalchunas May 20, 2020
      2.0 miles
      2.0 miles of running/Walking = 2.0 miles
       #40 fundraiser.  Longest personal streak grows to 10 days at 2.18 miles/day.
    • Abbie May 20, 2020
      2.5 miles
      2.5 miles of running/Walking = 2.5 miles
       #30 fundraiser.  2nd Longest personal exercise of this race this month.
    • KarenCNM May 20, 2020
      0.5 miles
      0.5 miles of running/Walking = 0.5 miles
    • For all racers May 20, 2020
      $500 from Anonymous
      Our anonymous donor is matching another anonymous donor's donation to back everyone!
      Thank you anonymous donor!
    • For all racers May 20, 2020
      $500 from Anonymous
      I want to personally thank all our donors, your contributions make a difference to women and their families supported by our Foundation programs!
      Thank you!
    • SpeedyD May 19, 2020
      5.1 miles
      1.0 hour of backpacking = 5.1 mile
    • SpeedyD May 19, 2020
      2.8 miles
      0.5 hours of spinning = 2.8 miles
       #2 fundraiser.  6th Longest personal exercise.
    • MidwifeTCoffee May 19, 2020
      2.8 miles
      2.8 miles of running/Walking = 2.8 miles
      squeezed in a walk with some running too! - Packard Street, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
       #14 fundraiser.  9th Longest personal exercise of this race this month.
    • AnnG May 19, 2020
      3.5 miles
      1.0 hour of yard Work - mowing lawn, raking leaves, ect. = 3.5 mile
    • CindyBalchunas May 19, 2020
      2.0 miles
      2.0 miles of running/Walking = 2.0 miles
       #40 fundraiser.  Longest personal streak grows to 9 days at 2.20 miles/day.
    • For all racers May 19, 2020
      $100 from Anonymous
      Our anonymous donor is matching Susan's donation to back everyone!
    • SpeedyD May 19, 2020
      $100 from Anonymous
      Our anonymous donor is matching your anonymous donor's donation to back you!
    • For all racers May 19, 2020
      $20 from Anonymous
      Our anonymous donor is matching Carol's donation to back everyone!
    • Gma26 May 19, 2020
      1.5 miles
      1.5 miles of running/Walking = 1.5 miles
      Enjoying the cool breeze this morning.
       #35 fundraiser.  9th Longest personal exercise of this race this month.
    • For all racers May 19, 2020
      $100 from AABCF Yount
      To all the wonderful participants and the Foundation
      Thank you!
    • KarenCNM May 19, 2020
      0.4 miles
      0.4 miles of running/Walking = 0.4 miles
    • KarenCNM May 19, 2020
      0.5 miles
      0.5 miles of running/Walking = 0.5 miles
       #33 fundraiser.  2nd Longest personal streak grows to 8 days at 0.47 miles/day.
    • SpeedyD May 19, 2020
      $100 from Anonymous
    • For all racers May 19, 2020
      $20 from Carol Snapp
      you are awesome
      Thanks, Carol!
    • For all racers May 19, 2020
      $100 from Anonymous
      Our anonymous donor is matching Jill's donation to back everyone!
    • For all racers May 19, 2020
      $100 from Jill Alliman
      To all the AABC, CABC and AABCF marathoners--We are in it for the distance!!
      Thank you Jill for supporting AABC Foundation and all the work you do!
      Thank you Jill for all you do
      Thank you, Jill, for all of your incredible work and support.
      Thank you, Jill! I love being on your team.
    • JKA May 19, 2020
      2.0 miles
      2.0 miles of running/Walking = 2.0 miles
    • MidwifeTCoffee May 19, 2020
      $25 from Anonymous
      Our anonymous donor is matching Kate's donation to back you!
      Magnifying my impact to support birth centers! Thank you, anonymous donor.
    • Magda May 19, 2020
      7.0 miles
      2.0 hours of yard Work - mowing lawn, raking leaves, ect. = 7.0 miles
      planted the rest of my sprouts!
       #21 fundraiser.  Back after 5 days.  Longest personal exercise.
    • Abbie May 19, 2020
      1.5 miles
      1.5 miles of running/Walking = 1.5 miles
       #30 fundraiser.  Back after 5 days.  6th Longest personal exercise.
    • LRecke May 19, 2020
      2.0 miles
      2.0 miles of running/Walking = 2.0 miles
       #54 fundraiser.  3rd Longest personal streak grows to 5 days at 3.85 miles/day.
    • AmyJG May 19, 2020
      3.6 miles
      3.6 miles of running/Walking = 3.6 miles
       #51 fundraiser.  Back after 18 days.  Longest personal exercise.
    • AnnM May 19, 2020
      3.0 miles
      30.0 minutes of vigorous activity (cardio class, HIIT, spinning) = 3.0 miles
    • MidwifeTCoffee May 18, 2020
      $25 from Kate Bauer
      Thanks for cheering us all on!
      @kebauer66 Thank you, Kate! Such a team effort.
    • kebauer66 May 18, 2020
      4.1 miles
      8750.0 steps of steps = 4.1 miles
       #28 fundraiser.  8th Longest personal exercise of this race.
    • JARacer May 18, 2020
      1.6 miles
      3315.0 steps of steps = 1.6 miles
       #53 fundraiser.  8th Longest personal exercise of this race this month.
    • Gma26 May 18, 2020
      1.0 miles
      45.0 minutes of yoga = 1.0 miles
       #34 fundraiser.  8th Longest personal exercise of this race this month.  Back after 8 days.
    • CindyBalchunas May 18, 2020
      1.9 miles
      1.5 hours of yoga = 1.9 miles
    • JKA May 18, 2020
      $50 from Anonymous
      Our anonymous donor is matching Kathryn's donation to back you!
    • AnnG May 18, 2020
      $10 from Anonymous
      Our anonymous donor is matching Moira's donation to back you!
    • JKA May 18, 2020
      $50 from KATHRYN SCHRAG
      in honor of a long distance AABC runner, worker, go girl!
      Thank you Kathryn, Right back at you!!
    • CindyBalchunas May 18, 2020
      2.0 miles
      2.0 miles of running/Walking = 2.0 miles
       #39 fundraiser.  Longest personal streak grows to 8 days at 1.99 miles/day.
    • Rooooosie May 18, 2020
      3.0 miles
      3.0 miles of running/Walking = 3.0 miles
       #23 fundraiser.  3rd Longest personal exercise.  Passed 1 athlete.
    • AnnG May 18, 2020
      $10 from Moira Tannenbaum
      Thanks Ann Geisler and AABCF Board for the great virtual classes last week!
      Moira, you are such an inspiration! Thank you for participating too!
      @AnnG It's been great! I love this new tradition.
    • WhitneyAmaris May 18, 2020
      2.0 miles
      2.0 miles of running/Walking = 2.0 miles
       #21 fundraiser.  Longest personal streak grows to 18 days at 1.83 miles/day.
    • LRecke May 18, 2020
      2.0 miles
      2.0 miles of running/Walking = 2.0 miles
       #54 fundraiser.  8th Longest personal exercise of this race this month.  3rd Longest personal streak grows to 4 days at 4.31 miles/day.
    • AnnM May 18, 2020
      3.0 miles
      30.0 minutes of vigorous activity (cardio class, HIIT, spinning) = 3.0 miles
    • Crisey May 18, 2020
      1.2 miles
      1.23 miles of running/Walking = 1.23 miles
       #49 fundraiser.  4th Longest personal streak grows to 6 days at 2.39 miles/day.
    • KarenCNM May 18, 2020
      0.5 miles
      0.5 miles of running/Walking = 0.5 miles
       #33 fundraiser.  2nd Longest personal streak grows to 7 days at 0.46 miles/day.
    • MidwifeJana May 18, 2020
      3.0 miles
      3.0 miles of running/Walking = 3.0 miles
    • MidwifeJana May 17, 2020
      3.7 miles
      45.0 minutes of swimming, leisure = 3.7 miles
       #4 fundraiser.  3rd Longest personal exercise.
    • MidwifeJana May 17, 2020
      2.0 miles
      2.0 miles of running/Walking = 2.0 miles
       #4 fundraiser.  7th Longest personal exercise of this race this month.
    • kebauer66 May 17, 2020
      5.3 miles
      11175.0 steps of steps = 5.3 miles
       #27 fundraiser.  Longest personal exercise of this race.
    • viatrix May 17, 2020
      1.5 miles
      1.5 miles of running/Walking = 1.5 miles
       #15 fundraiser.  9th Longest personal exercise.
    • JARacer May 17, 2020
      2.8 miles
      5993.0 steps of steps = 2.8 miles
       #52 fundraiser.  7th Longest personal exercise.
    • JuliaP May 17, 2020
      1.5 miles
      1.5 miles of running/Walking = 1.5 miles
    • CindyBalchunas May 17, 2020
      2.0 miles
      2.0 miles of running/Walking = 2.0 miles
       #38 fundraiser.  Longest personal streak grows to 7 days at 1.99 miles/day.
    • AnnG May 17, 2020
      8.8 miles
      2.5 hours of yard Work - mowing lawn, raking leaves, ect. = 8.8 miles
       #53 fundraiser.  3rd Longest personal exercise.
    • Crisey May 17, 2020
      3.6 miles
      3.56 miles of running/Walking = 3.56 miles
       #49 fundraiser.  4th Longest personal streak grows to 5 days at 2.62 miles/day.  Longest personal exercise.
    • Magda May 17, 2020
      7.0 miles
      2.0 hours of yard Work - mowing lawn, raking leaves, ect. = 7.0 miles
       #21 fundraiser.  Longest personal exercise.
    • Gma26 May 17, 2020
      2.8 miles
      2.8 miles of running/Walking = 2.8 miles
      Walk to store and back
       #34 fundraiser.  7th Longest personal exercise of this race this month.  Back after 7 days.
    • LRecke May 17, 2020
      6.5 miles
      6.5 miles of running/Walking = 6.5 miles
       #54 fundraiser.  Longest personal exercise.
    • JKA May 17, 2020
      3.2 miles
      3.2 miles of running/Walking = 3.2 miles
      walking in the park with family!
       #5 fundraiser.  3rd Longest personal streak grows to 4 days at 2.24 miles/day.
    • KarenCNM May 17, 2020
      0.3 miles
      0.3 miles of running/Walking = 0.3 miles
       #32 fundraiser.  2nd Longest personal streak grows to 6 days at 0.56 miles/day.
    • WhitneyAmaris May 17, 2020
      2.0 miles
      2.0 miles of running/Walking = 2.0 miles
       #21 fundraiser.  Longest personal streak grows to 17 days at 1.82 miles/day.
    • kebauer66 May 16, 2020
      4.4 miles
      9200.0 steps of steps = 4.4 miles
       #27 fundraiser.  7th Longest personal exercise.
    • JARacer May 16, 2020
      3.5 miles
      60.0 minutes of yard Work - mowing lawn, raking leaves, ect. = 3.5 miles
    • see more...
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    Log Activity

    This race ended 05/20/20 - check out the final activity here.

    OR start a new challenge here!


    You need to validate this device to chat.

    **Note, you need to be in the race to chat on the Messageboard! If you haven't already, join here!
    • MidwifeTCoffee May 20, 2020
      Thank you, everyone! It's been great.
    • AnnG May 12, 2020
      Moira you are amazing, trying to catch up to you❤️
      Thanks @AnnG ... I've given up on trying to catch up to @MPN
    • MidwifeTCoffee May 11, 2020
      None of us posted for Mother's Day! That is interesting.
    • Rooooosie May 11, 2020
      Thank you Susan Stapleton!
    • MidwifeTCoffee May 3, 2020
      I landed at Spanish Village Art Center! It looks beautiful. I seem to frequently end up in malls or kind of humdrum settings (aside from the gorgeous Pacific Ocean), so this is a treat.
      @Everybody, Happy Day of the Midwife on May 5!
    • KittyErnst Apr 17, 2020
      Wow! Im going to keep putting fuel in this tank to see if together we can make the the best race by any groupo in this year of the nurse and midwife. The way is opening up for more birth centers . For example the Brooklyn NY center opened up their services to women and their providers when the hospital maternity unit closed and are now are working on expanding that emergenct responce to opening a new emergency BC site. Together we all need to enable AABC to respnd to help the centers that can.. open emergency services. There has never been this opportunity In my time and in case you forgot, I:m 94 this year with 50 of those years working to establish birth centers and educate the nurse midwives to work in them.. Surely you know that it always takes a village...... Thank you for doing your part'''and remember, no contribution is too small (nor too large) !!! Love you all!!!!
      @KittyErnst inspiring words! It's why we all work so hard for birth centers, isn't it?
    • KPinta Apr 7, 2020
      Nevermind! Got it! Thanks
    • KPinta Apr 7, 2020
      Is anyone else having issues with logging miles today?
      I just logged 20 minutes of tae kwon do and Racery credited me 2.7 miles. I know I worked out hard, but maybe not that hard?
    • MidwifeJana Apr 6, 2020
      Hi there! Can anyone guide me on how to form a "group" with some other members that are in here individually? We joined separately but are from the same birth center so I'd love to have us represented as a group if possible. Thanks in advance.
      Hi Jana! I found a place under my bio to add a group.... it will let me enter whatever with a hashtag on the front. So... what do we want the official group# to be?
      Yay! You're smarter than me - I could not find it anywhere! What about #FlagBirth? @MPN
      Ok, so I just started a group called #flagbirth - but I still don't see how to add other people?!?! Am a just being tech unsavvy, or is this hard to navigate? @MPN
      It’s a little tricky. Click on athletes tab, up top click on our group and you can add others. Or they can join on their own. I joined. Thanks Jana!!
    • LindaB_Admin Apr 1, 2020
      Aaaand we're off! Sending energetic vibes to everyone!
      @LindaB so my miles from this event did not transfer to my other Racery event. This will affect Kate B too. Any thoughts?
      @MidwifeTCoffee Sorry for the misinformation! I had assumed that because miles automatically get added to your "My Trek" under Personal Tracking, that miles would get logged across all current races. FAQs has corrected me! You'll want to log your miles in both races to have them count for both.
      @LindaB OK; thanks for clarifying. I'll check to make sure they aren't getting double added somehow to my "lifetime tally." :)
    • MidwifeTCoffee Mar 28, 2020
      I thought this was an April-only race. Now it says it ends May 20. ??
      Hi @MidwifeTCoffee, yes! The race was originally only going to be during the month of April, but due to the stresses of the pandemic, we've extended the end to give people more time to participate and finish.
      @LindaB OK! Thanks.
    • MidwifeTCoffee Mar 23, 2020
      Hi fellow racers, I'm so glad to see more people. We need to spread the word!
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    About + Join

    • From: San Diego
    • To: San Diego
    • Start date: April 1, 2020
    • End date: May 20, 2020
    • 0:00 EST
    • 23:59 EST
    • Route distance: 26.5 miles
    • Total logged: 3,411.2 miles
    Join us on a virtual marathon through San Diego as we fund raise to advance the birth center model and improve maternity care in the U.S.

    Exercise anywhere you want. Then log activity and see yourself move on our map and leaderboards. Catch a Google street view of your virtual locale, then cheer your real fellow racers! Share your bib on social media! Brag about your streaks or longest runs!

    We've got racers all over the globe! So to keep everyone on the same page, we've come up with some handy guidelines:
    1. We rely on the honor system... you don't have to use a device to prove your miles -- a good map suffices.
    2. Only exercising miles please! (NOTE: miles on a racer's personal log are for all races they are in, across all sports)
    3. Please attribute your activity to the appropriate day -- don't combine workouts from multiple days.
    4. Please only backdate logs for a race up to two weeks in the past.
    5. Activities submitted after the race ends will not count toward race leaderboards.
    No mileage submitted yet.